
Looking for parts for repair or modding and wonder how they stack up? Looking for tools or parts to fix your MINI? I share some of my experiences so you can make better decisions on what will work for you!

303 UV Protectant Spray and Cleaner Review

303 UV Protectant spray was recommended to me by another MINI driver virtually as I bought my first MINI. While originally billed as 303 Marine Protectant to protect boat seats, dashes, etc from the harsh environment they are constantly exposed ...

StopTech/C-Tek – Drilled and Slotted Brake Rotors

When I needed new front brakes I decided to get an upgrade which included stainless steel lines, new high-performance pads, new high-temperature brake fluid, and of course these StopTech 127.34138R/L Sport Drilled/Slotted Brake Rotors. The idea behind using a drilled ...

EBC Red Stuff High Performance Brake Pads

Using EBC Red Stuff brake pads was the cornerstone of my brake upgrade for Buster, my 2015 Countryman S, and they are amazing. When you say you want your brake pads to be good pads and to stop the vehicle ...

ULTRA RACING 2-Point Front Strut Tower Brace for MINI Countryman

The ULTRA RACING 2-Point Front Strut Tower Brace I installed on Buster made quite a difference in hard cornering. It also makes a difference in daily driving although not really a good one. The typical naive person (that would be ...

Turtle Wax Headlight Lens Restorer

The Turtle Wax T-240KT Headlight Lens Restorer Kit was purchased as a result of a plea by my wife to try and fix her headlights. While her 2009 MINI Lola is in pretty good shape, the headlights are dull and ...

Pre-Intercooler Charge Pipe From M7 Speed

The M7 Speed Pre-Intercooler Charge Pipe is simply a piece of flexible tubing that replaces a similar piece of tubing installed on your MINI. The big differences are that the curves are supposedly smoother and this hose eliminates the resonator ...

MINI Cooper Air Intake System – M7 Speed MAXX-FLO

I bought this MINI Cooper Air Intake System - M7 Speed MAXX-FLO for a variety of reasons including the fact that it makes the engine compartment look a lot sexy, it seems to add a tiny bit of power, and it ...

MINI Cooper Turbo Heat Shield for Countryman by M7 Speed

The M7 Speed MINI Cooper Turbo Heat Shield for the MINI Countryman not only helps keep your hood cooler, but it also makes the underhood area look much neater. As you can see in the image above it makes the ...

Tegris Front Splitter for MINI Countryman by M7 Speed

Ever since I saw a front splitter for MINI I have wanted one for Buster. The ones built into the front of the JCWs are OK, but they are nowhere near as aggressive-looking as the big wings like the one ...
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