ECS Tuning is a real Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde story for me. On the one hand, they have some really nice items like the stainless steel brake lines I have on Buster. On the other hand, they have some of the most God awful service problems.
Over the years I have placed a lot of orders with ECS, from brake parts to t-shirts, and a lot in between. I have yet to have a problem with their products. That being said, I have not had one single order that wasn’t somehow screwed up, not one. To make that worse, when I try to get it fixed, I run into people who just don’t answer the phone at all, or don’t return calls, don’t answer emails, or if you do get in touch with them, are downright rude.
I seriously went from ordering most of my stuff from them to ordering absolutely nothing unless I can not find something comparable, even at a substantially higher price, somewhere else. I am just so very tired of dealing with the messes.
Oh, and their email system for surveys is a joke. Please let us know if there is anything we can do better, I send an email detailing what all went wrong, then I get another email saying please let us know if there is anything we can do better, so I fill out….. you see where this is going, right?
One time I placed an order for probably a couple hundred dollars of stuff, quite a few items, one of which was like a $1 sticker. That little sticker wound up being backordered so they put the entire order on hold. Did they contact me to let me know? Nah. They held that order until I realized I should have received it, then realized it never shipped and called them. Really? Over a $1 sticker? You couldn’t have shipped the rest of the order then stuck that sticker in an envelope when it came in? OMG!
I have placed orders with an item I realized within minutes was wrong, tried to call, tried to email, tried to chat, nothing. Finally got a call back days later to see what I needed, way after the package had shipped, which caused me to have to pay shipping to return the items. All that because they wouldn’t answer the phone, wouldn’t answer the chat, and waited two days to return the call.
My recommendation is for you to not order anything from ECS Tuning unless you have to have that one specific item they sell that no one else has. I am sure the item is fantastic, just have the Advil and Vodka handy if you do order from them.