Mods & Maintenance

Here is where you will find information about the mods (modifications) we have done to our MINIs and some maintenance tips!

Maintenance tips

Here are a few tips for keeping your MINI in top running condition. If you have a tip you would like to share, please use the Contact Me form to send it in! ...

Common problems

MINIs are like any other type of cars, there are some issues that are common to them. What follows are some issues I have run into that seem to be pretty common occurrences with members of the clubs and forums ...

Interior Mods

Among the earliest additions were my Escort Passport 8500X50 radar detector (purely for safety reasons of course) and a dash camera. Both have power wires running on top of the headliner, down the right pillar cover, through the dash and ...

Exterior Mods

There is more to modding your MINI than just performance, sometimes you just want it to look better, more aggressive, whatever. These are some of the exterior mods I have made. A time consuming but cheap and easy mod is ...

Performance Mods

MINI Coopers are very commonly modified by their owners. From stickers on the boot to hardcore racing mods, there is a wide array of things you can do to your MINI. Engine mods Your typical MINI Cooper S engine compartment ...
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